What to Expect – Cohort Learning with Interculturalist

As you prepare to begin the cohort learning phase in your partnership with Interculturalist, we’d like to share with you what you can expect and a few requests that we have of you and your participation.

Our cohort learning will be taking place virtually via zoom. We would like to request that each of you participate at your own individual computer or device (so that we can utilize breakout rooms).

Knowledge Building
During these cohort sessions, we will focus on knowledge building. This knowledge building – learning new concepts and frameworks -- facilitates furthering intercultural development, based on the learning you already had in the kick-off workshop and IDI individual debrief conversation. To be more specific, the purpose is to provide intercultural intellectual frameworks that you can use in navigating your professional experiences across diversity. We’ll talk about this in our first cohort session. Just so you know, as we cover the knowledge content, we will talk at you some and at other times, ask you to discuss.

During the sessions, we will also have large and small group discussions. We will be sharing slides that you can view on your zoom screen, but you do not need to copy the information on these slides as we will provide a handout of these slides after the session. So please engage in the discussion! In addition, there will be some discussions that will occur in breakout rooms. You will be asked to discuss specific questions. These breakout room discussions typically last between 3-8 minutes.

At the end of each cohort session, we will explain the pre-work for the next session. This pre-work should be done on your own. It is work to prepare for the next session, but does not entail a great amount of time to complete.

1. If you have questions, you are welcome to ask them. As we have a limited amount of time together during cohort sessions, we will take the responsibility of answering questions that will further the cohort learning for the session and perhaps “park” other questions. Please do not let this discourage you from speaking up!

2. As much as possible, we would like for your camera to be on and showing your face. We are aware that there are situations that inhibit motivation to show your face on screen. If you need to have the camera off during part or all of the session, we understand. That said, we very much appreciate seeing your face, as well as accompanying non-verbal communication of your understanding (e.g. head nods)!

3. When not speaking, please keep your mic on mute.

4. Typically, we plan to have a 5 minute break every hour. If this does not work for you, please let us know. If there are other accommodations needs or requests for us, don’t hesitate to communicate to us!