Finding your path
toward Workplace Efficacy
Are you looking for an approach best suited for your needs?
We can help you identify the most effective and realistic approach to improve performance and guide your organization to work and thrive within diversity. Take a look at the list below of learning topics. Each topic contributes differently to your growth. Tell us which topic interests you the most, and we will work with you to design the best approach for achieving your goals.
Learning Topics:
Intercultural Competence and Leadership Development
Your goal is to develop your intercultural competence and become an interculturally competent professional/leader. As you develop your own intercultural competence, you will begin to notice how intentional and more effective you are as you work in a workplace with diverse talent. You will begin to see your work environment, client relationships, business operations, and all aspects of your work from an intercultural perspective. Increasing this competence, enables you to be an intercultural leader – one who is not only ready to work effectively yourself but also can help others develop their intercultural competence. The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is used to assess your current place in the process of intercultural development, and this information will be used to design the most meaningful learning programs for you.
Organizational Intercultural Capacity Building
Your focus is on creating an organizational culture that is capable of utilizing diverse talent across job functions. The approach you will take is multi-layered. In capacity-building, you will engage in intercultural learning activities at individual, team, division, department, and organizational levels. You will articulate the organizational changes you want to create and work toward realizing them. The IDI can be utilized to assess your organization’s current intercultural capacity, and this information will be used to design the most meaningful capacity building initiative.
Bridging Conflict and Communication Styles
You will learn key communication styles and cultural dimensions that affect those styles. A focus will be on how you approach conflict. In this learning context, conflict is defined broadly as “challenging situations”. When people face a challenging situation, each person reacts differently. This variation of reactions often creates more challenges than the problem itself. Instead of rashly reacting to the situation, you will learn to pay attention to the context and the conflict styles being used. You will become more skilled at thoughtfully responding to each conflict situation, informed by the conflict style(s) present. This skill is particularly crucial for those who are in leadership or management roles.
Emotional Intelligence Development for Individuals and Teams
Emotional intelligence is often called a 'soft' skill and regarded as not as critical as other technical 'hard' skills. Through much research and practice, it is known now that ignoring emotional intelligence not only creates unhappy workers, but also negatively affects the business bottom line. Also, emotional intelligence development is at the core of intercultural competence development. And intercultural competence development is at the core of becoming an inclusive and diverse organization. You will engage in a combination of individual learning activities and group learning activities, guided by an Emotional Intelligence learning methodology.
Cultural Self- and Other- Awareness Building
It is important to understand ourselves as well as others. This awareness-building is most effective, enjoyable, and meaningful when done in a psychologically safe learning environment. You will be guided through various activities to re-focus yourself, discover a new side of yourself, and learn to articulate who you are in creative ways. You will then use the same technique to understand each other. When this happens in a workplace, your working climate will shift. You can build trust and respect one another more holistically, which leads to work (and life!) engagement and satisfaction.
Nurturing Empathy- and Trust- based Teams
The focus is on improving your team cohesion and performance. Often, teams don’t function smoothly because of low emotional intelligence of the team as a whole. You will learn how to nurture empathy in the workplace and build a foundation for stronger trust. Each team member’s trust in the team, as well as attitude toward being a contributing team member, is the ultimate determining factor for a high level of team performance.
Using a Coaching Approach to Effective Communication
Whether a manager or a leader, you can learn a basic set of coaching skills to improve your communication and relationships in the workplace. Examples of coaching skills you can learn are: how to give constructive feedback, how to give empowering acknowledgment, how to listen more effectively and purposefully, how to set meaningful goals, and how to hold yourself and others accountable. You will also learn how your intercultural competence development intersects with developing coaching skills.
Are you interested in or have a question about any of these learning topics? Let us know. Use the form below and we'll respond within one business day.